Incorporating Climate Change Teachings into Christmas

Oct 23 / Editor
Christmas is a time of joy, togetherness and giving. But, at OCC, we believe it is also a season when we can incorporate valuable lessons about climate change! As we welcome the spirit of giving, we are urging families to make sustainable choices that can lower our carbon footprint while protecting our beloved planet.
 In this blog post, we'll explore how to weave climate change education into the festivities this year, turning Christmas into an eco-friendly celebration!
Eco-friendly Decorations

Choose natural decorations: Opt for natural and biodegradable decorations such as pinecones, twigs, and leaves. These can be composted, meaning you will be reducing the amount of waste you produce.
DIY ornaments: Create your own ornaments using recyclable materials. Get creative with paper, cardboard, and old holiday cards.

Energy-efficient lighting: Use LED lights for your Christmas tree and outdoor displays, which consume less energy and last longer.
Sustainable Gifting
Give experiences: Instead of physical gifts, consider gifting experiences like concert tickets, spa days, or cooking classes, which create lasting memories without increasing waste.
Support eco-friendly businesses: Buy gifts from sustainable and ethical companies that promote eco-friendly products and practices.
Handmade gifts: Consider making your own gifts, like homemade candles, soaps, or knitted items. These are thoughtful, personalised, and reduce the environmental impact.
Conscious Wrapping
Reusable gift wrap: Use cloth bags, scarves, or old maps to wrap gifts, and encourage recipients to reuse them.
Recycled wrapping paper: If you choose traditional wrapping paper, make sure it's made from recycled materials and is recyclable.
Skip the wrapping: For smaller gifts, opt for a ribbon or a simple bow, reducing the need for wrapping paper altogether.
Sustainable Food Choices
Local and organic: Purchase locally sourced and organic ingredients for your holiday meals to support sustainable agriculture.
Meatless options: Consider adding vegetarian or vegan dishes to your menu, as meat production has a significant environmental impact.
Minimise food waste: Plan your meals carefully to avoid food waste, and compost any scraps or leftovers.
Teach and Discuss

Family discussions: Engage in open conversations about climate change and its effects. Encourage family members to share their thoughts and ideas.
Educational activities: Incorporate climate change lessons into holiday games, quizzes, or even documentaries for educational family entertainment.
Donate to environmental causes: Encourage family members to donate a portion of their holiday budget to environmental organisations, reinforcing the importance of giving back to the planet.